Keyword Index


  • Academic research The role of high human morality and the role of control and monitoring, the improvement of university research morality [Volume 1, Issue 1, , Pages 18-25]
  • Ancient China" The history of education with an emphasis on Confucianism in ancient China Take on Contemporary China [Volume 1, Issue 1, , Pages 12-17]


  • Iran The Role of Media in SoftWar With Regard to the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 1, Issue 1, , Pages 1-11]


  • Keywords: characteristics of hypocrites بررسی رویکرد فقه الحدیثی علامه طباطبایی نسبت به روایات الدرالمنثور در قالب بحث های روایی تفسیر المیزان [Volume 1, Issue 1, , Pages 35-44]


  • Sa'dias' Golestan Look at the style of Sa'di's Golestan and one of its lexical features [Volume 1, Issue 1, , Pages 26-34]