The Role of Media in SoftWar With Regard to the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper



The Role of Media in SoftWar With Regard to the Islamic Republic of Iran

The end of the Cold War and national security priorities , introduction of new actors and the importance of non-governmental organizations in the world , Caused that countries use tools for providing national interests and new ways that is the most important of them is enjoying the war and psychological warfare .
Imperialistic countries have concluded as the old colonial style , isn’t responsive to the needs and demands of today and must be in the form of neo-colonialism enter some countries ,The conflict also achieved the desired success; Therefore, they try to focus on the intellectual , ideological , cultural and indeed with the warfare and psychological operation to achieve their goals .
War with the aim of capturing the thought of nations , plays an important role in intellectual and cultural circles.which includes any kind of psychological war and propaganda media , community groups , and non- military targets , competition leads to inaction or failure . Since the war for all audiences and all age levels and social strata planned Of all the techniques , modern teaching arts and of all the features and capabilities are used. Islamic Republic of Iran with regard to sensitive strategic and geopolitical position has to take advantages of Optimum capacity while strengthening the intellectual , cultural and political areas .
Keywords: Soft War, psychological warfare operations , Cyber Space, Media, Islamic Republic Of Iran
