The role of high human morality and the role of control and monitoring, the improvement of university research morality

Document Type : تخصصی




The amazing growth of the past few decades, scientists and researchers are faced with different situations and different situations. Develop scientific temper tantrums and use of science and scientific innovation, the scientific community and academic challenges. Important element in the effectiveness of research ethics and in fact one of the ways to improve the quality and credibility of scientific research. The role of high human morality and ethics monitor to improve the quality of research in academic research mean? High moral and humane solution to improve control and monitoring of academic research mean? In response to questions, it seems that the problem stems from two main factors of high moral temper tantrums human management and control and supervision by the relevant institutions. Since the monitoring and control of ethics, especially in academic research, a resourceful way to observe the fundamental principle and it can help us to improve better academic research. This paper presents the methods of collecting information library, to define and classify these factors, and finally strategies for its promotion is proposed.
