The Role of New Technologies in Educating and training Students in Corona situation (Emphasis on Iranian-Islamic Identity)

Document Type : علمی ترویجی


1 دبیر ادبیات فارسی ایرانشهر

2 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Farhangian University


The emergence of the corona virus was initially considered a health issue, but at one time pervaded all economic, social, political and cultural spheres of the world. In the meantime, one of the areas that underwent a great deal of change was the change in the structure of students' education. Meanwhile, the rule of new technologies virtually changed attitudes and insights, especially in the Iranian-Islamic identity. Therefore, this study seeks to investigate the role of new technologies The role of new technologies in educating and training students in corona (with emphasis on Iranian-Islamic identity). This article has been done by descriptive-analytical method and using library-documentary sources. The results of the research indicate that; If new technologies are rationally and principled in the direction of educating and training students, not only can it create dynamic, efficient and specialized human resources in the shortest time, but also; It can enrich the Iranian-Islamic identity in the national and international arena. Therefore, the use of new technologies should be in a way that, while properly educating students, can help develop the original Iranian-Islamic identity.
