"Yemen geopolitical crisis" An example of the ineffectiveness of international system in making Just peace and human dignity

Document Type : تخصصی


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities and social science, Farhangian University, Tehran

2 Research Expert in Farhangian University, Shahid Moffateh Shahre-Ray


"The international community" is a series of different actors in the global arena that linked to each other based on accepted and legal frameworks with the name of international law and its obligations. In this broad and diverse community, following human rights including peace, security and human dignity that is the primary, obvious and natural basis of humans, has always been emphasized.
The diversity of opinions, and the ideas of the political, economic, cultural, military and ... and the different interests of global players, has led to damage and to be deficient the international law in the field of peace, human rights and human dignity. One example of this injury at this point is Yemen crisis.
Although the beginning of the crisis in Yemen was in 2011 and coincides with the wave of wave of Islamic Awakening, but this crisis intensified from 2014 and because of internal reasons and the Saudi invasion in March 2015.
The findings of the study with analytical approach and using different sources has collected, shows serious task of international institutions because of various reasons is not effective in resolving the crisis.
Different interests of local and regional actors and the use of financial resources and the influence of Saudi Arabia has created a kind of United States exceptionalism and the lack of impartiality in facing and solving the crisis in Yemen. This problem as well as shoving the ineffectiveness of the United Nations, has damaged the Peace, regional security and human dignity.
