The role of the teacher in promoting the human- Islamic culture by explaining the concepts and meanings of prayer

Document Type : تخصصی


عضوهیات علمی دانشگاه فرهنگیان


Man is a two-dimensional creature that his physical dimension has been paid attention more than the spirituality dimension. One of the most valuable effects of the spiritual dimension is the prayer to the God who introduces real wise men in his Quran as those remember him in different situations.
Paying attention to the basic themes and concepts of the prayer is a kind of effort for improving human- divine culture, because these themes and concepts cause enthusiasm and motivation for the prayer. In fact, understanding the meaning of the prayer teaches kindness to men and creatures besides teaching of love to the unique creator . This is the reason of why the prayer is the way of approaching to the God for whom seeks this way. These are the intrinsic secrets of the prayer that have made it one of the foundations of Islam.
The teacher who has been stated as a one with the duty of leading the society towards Allah and his mission and has the same mission of the divine prophets by the founder of the holy system of the Islamic Republic, has the main function of creating enthusiasm for the prayer promoting the culture of the prayer. It seems that what has been doing schools and higher education institutions as promoting the prayer culture was not enough and needs to be reviewed seriously. The exact explanation of ‘what is’ and ‘why the prayer’ plays an important role in becoming interested in the prayer and doing it.
