Criticism on position Fantasy in Persian textbooks (Elementary second to finish high school first)

Document Type : تخصصی



The literature classified to variety in new genres. One of the genres that today in between of the audience and culture lovers of different nations, especially children and adolescents is considered popular and every year allocated an important part of cultural products such as books and audiovisual media, is genre of fantasy or supernatural stories. Fantasy is the undeniable positive effects from different directions such as: help to grow experimental understanding of children, strengthen the understanding of imaginary children and adolescents, foregrounding the history and national heroes and cultural backgrounds of each nation in soul and mind of students in levels of school. Although in the modern sense of in our country don’t has a history of research, but a lot of examples have also in oral literature and folklore and in the official literature and classical Persian like some of Shah nameh stories, thousand and One Nights and seven bodies.In this paper paid to study of fantasy and its role in children and adolescents the amount of interest that authors of books of Persian high school to the ninth base in a new way of these stories. It seams although in the Persian books to the ninth grade included a few stories are that gained a majority of fantasy features, but first, they are few with regards to the base effect and need this genre of story in this base students and secondly in selecting these little stories been priority a purpose other than their fantasy.
