Reviewing and Criticizing the Interpreters' Perspectives in Tafsir al-Mizan with an Approach to Context Principle

Document Type : تخصصی


1 daneshgoo

2 ostadyar


Although various studies have been conducted on Tafsir al-Mizan, it can be said with certainty that several aspects of this valuable exegesis have not been specified yet and need to be discussed, reviewed and published. Reviewing and criticizing the perspectives of different interpreters in interpreting Holy Quean is such that the al-Mizan's author paid a special attention to the ways of understanding Quran by different interpreters before him and it seems that he considered Tafsir as a balance to judge the interpreters' views. Accordingly, in many cases and with different issues, he criticized and reviewed the interpreters' views with documentary proofs and various reasons based on different bases. One of the Allameh Tabatabai's exact bases in criticizing the interpreters' views is to use the context principle. Considering the context of the Quranic verses, he studied the interpreters' views in the following areas: Cause of revelation, Correct recitation of verses, Being Meccan or Medinan, Determining the meanings of Quranic vocabulary,….
