The prediction of mental well-being based on the meaning of life and self-esteem among students of Payame Noor University of Mahabad

Document Type : تخصصی


Department of Psychology - Faculty Member of Payame Noor University


This study was conducted to evaluate the prediction of mental well-being based on the meaning of life and self-esteem among students of Payame Noor University in Mahabad. Methodology: This descriptive study was a correlation study. In this regard, 175 women (97 female, 78 male) students were randomly selected in the year 1396-97. The instruments for collecting the Mowlavi, Torkan, Soltani and Palangang subjective well-being questionnaires were Meg's Meaning in the life of Stareg, Frazer, Oishi and Coler and the Self-Death Questionnaire (SCS). Also, to test the hypotheses, Spearman correlation test, multivariate analysis of variance, multiple regression analysis and Pearson were used for statistical analysis using SPSS 20 software. The results indicated that: 1 the relationship between the search component of meaning and subjective well-being is more than the significant component of life. This hypothesis is confirmed. There is a positive and significant relationship between self-compassion components and subjective well-being. 3. The components of meaning of life and self-compassion play a significant role in predicting mental well-being.
