• Training managers and its impact on the evolution of Farhangian University

Document Type : تخصصی


دکترای تخصصی حقوق بین الملل ، مدرس دانشگاه فرهنگیان ، پردیس نسیبه ، پردیس شهید با هنر.


This article investigates the bilingualism, mother tongue education and its role in the educational system including the bilingual environments. It also takes into consideration the brief definition of bilingualism and bilingual education programs. The paper also summarizes a number of studies conducted in Iran and the world regarding the impact of bilingual education and the importance of their native language. Language and education policy and planning of Iran are briefly reviewed and evaluated in the current study. Much study is devoted to investigate the bilingual education system and the educational system as well as the implementation of the education system in countries such as Sweden and Switzerland. The content of this article examines the importance of bilingual teaching in the native language. The need to teach the native language was investigated by three prospects. In The scientific approach, conditions necessary for Bilinguals to benefit from the positive effects was investigated (e.g. cognitive control, creativity and problem solving) . The second approach is related to the responsibility of policy makers of cultural language in ecology-based and identity matters. Political approach refers to the close relationship between language and politics, language and educational justice by examining the two papers’ international challenges and external “and" internal challenges. It also underlines the need to review the policy.
