Analyzing the geographical and social contexts of the formation and expansion of Islamic Fundamentalism

Document Type : تخصصی


1 دکترای علوم تربیتی، استاد یار دانشگاه پیام نور، گروه علوم تربیتی

2 کارشناسی آموزش ابتدایی،آموزگار دوره ابتدایی، ناحیه 2 شیراز


Achieving power is the most important component in order to take advantage of the environmental benefits that is paid attention by political actors in the world and the geographic space forms the scene of this game. Southwestern Asia has some special geographical specification which is a factor in rivalry of the power and the formation of a specific political- geography of this region. The formation of political units by trans-national powers without geographical- historic supportive generally has led to a kind of crisis in acceptance and discontent and it formed the opposition and deconstruction groups in this region. To name a few of these opposite and dangerous flow is the expansion and advance of takfiri flow that announced its existence "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant", that founded his intellectual basis on the tricks of the other branches of Islam. Because of the importance that ISIS has in the creation of the excuse for Islamophobia and anti-Islamism; the current study uses library resources and a descriptive-analytical approach, in order to examine the geo-social causes of this flow. The findings of the research show; territorial and social conditions in the region are the main factors for the formation and expansion of this flow; and to escape from such flows, cultural interactions among regional governments, appropriate political organization of space and give over the local authority (regionalism) are among the best strategies.
