Training managers and its impact on the evolution of Farhangian University

Document Type : تخصصی


1 کارشناس علوم تربیتی ، دانشگاه فرهنگیان ، استان البرز

2 کارشناس علوم تربیتی ، دانشگاه فرهنگیان ، استان البرز.


Currently education of different branches of management is highly important at the universities around the world and purpose of this education is to train managers who look at their offices with a scientific view. In recent years, scientific view to management and training qualified managers has been taken into consideration. The question is that can a department that intends to train a country’s future teachers and finally human resources, achieve its long term and short term purposes without having managers familiar with management? Would could without a managers familiar to the management science, to achieve the objectives short-term and long-term? Is it possible to expect changes in departments under their management without making an evolution in their viewpoint and facilitating them with the latest managements techniques? This research intends to investigate the “training of managers and its impact on the evolution of Farhangian University”. The results suggest that according to the document of fundamental evolution of education, Farhangian University plays an important role in training professional and expert human resources. Therefore, in order to bring out an evolution in Farhangian University and train skillful and creative teachers, we must invest on comprehensive training of managers of this university in all levels.    
