Qalandari Themes in Saeib's Lyrics

Document Type : تخصصی



 Qalandari verse, a branch of mystical versification, was introduced to Farsi literature by Sanai. The beauty of its themes and the effects that this type of poem had on the minds made other mystic poets make use of these features. These very beauties and motifs soon attracted first rate mystic-poets who adopted them to be followed and imitated, later on, by mediocre mystic-poets and even non-mystic ones among whom Saib of Tabriz can be named as a poet whose sonnets abound with beautiful qalandari themes. This study is an attempt to explore and analyze qalandari themes in sonnets by Saib of Tabriz, including the following: A continual objection to stoics and Sufis, a total rejection and despise of the manifestations of Shari'a and mysticism, a pretence to debauchery and negligence of morality, a pretence to be devoted to non-Islamic religions, shunning the religious principles, attending disreputable places, indifference to the consequences of infamy and bad reputation, a claim on the part of the poet to have achieved a stance beyond belief and non-belief, giving churches, taverns and pubs a privilege over mosques and nunneries as well as a deep dislike for repentance.
