Review of the Ethical Concepts of the Poetry Book of Mazloom Khonji

Document Type : تخصصی


معلم ، آموزش و پرورش


Persian literature is mixed with ethical and moral teaching. Reflection of moral concepts can be seen in the works of many poets and authors. In fact, the work of some of them is the mirror of ethics and moral teaching. The aim of this study was to explore the ethical dimensions of belief, based on a review of the lyrics of Mazloum Khonji and his attitude towards this phenomenon. Mazloum Khonji, is one of those poets whose lyrics are full of great human and moral concepts. In this paper, it has been tried to investigate some of the ethical implications of the Mazloum Khonji - that have been linked with Quranic verses. In other words, it was attempted to indicate that Mazloum, while considering the delicate implications, was not ignorant of this great source, and benefited from the discourse of the Holy Quran to interpret his moral views.
