Social Networks and Social Damage Case Study: Public Safety.

Document Type : Research Paper


1 استادیار گروه علوم انسانی، دانشگاه فرهنگیان، تهران

2 فارغ التحصیل کارشناسی ارشد


The twenty-first century has led the world toward "global village" along with stunning advances in information and communication technology whose main characteristics are the elimination of distance, time and place. This change has also caused disruption of systems, national organizations, behavioral methods and social damages on civilians. The ease of creating and developing social networks by individuals and groups that can have purposes against the official , legal goals of the society , has faced different areas of cultural, social, economic, political and security with challenges and crises.
In addition, dominant countries that have always been looking for domination and exploitation of others and cannot dominate citizens in other countries with the military approach for various reasons; now try to do it through creating social networks and making changes in cultural and behavioral identity of people.
Therefore, media and social networks have been the most effective tools to influence audience's behavior. In addition, they are the source of many contemporary security changes and have been controlling flows and social changes in the world. The findings of the present study that were accomplished with analytical approach and utilizes different sources of library and internet, discloses that the formation of social networks can create extensive changes in citizens' behavior and cause several social damages including social insecurity in communities.
