Satellite pathology and its impact on behavior and lifestyle of the family

Document Type : علمی ترویجی



Unmatched educational role of families in raising children in Islam is highly regarded Islamic education of children in the lap of the family as the basic configuration takes shape. Eclipse field of education, long-term plans and influential family of satellite TV channels to dominate all aspects of countries. Among the tools of other cultures and civilizations led to serious challenges, Satellite cultural invasion aimed at other countries in the field of media, has opened a place for himself. Satellite some of the occurrences when our country's social and political foot on the ground, some of them turned their extremist supporters and opponents. Due to the growth and spread of mass media and the increasing use of new technology, especially satellite channels, witnessed the arrival of a new cultural elements of their privacy within the family and that the rise of tastes, attitudes and beliefs among them, are different. The importance of having healthy families because the families of the fundamental institutions of society and guarantee its health and survival.
 the most important long-term planning authorities should be located upstream up with comprehensive plans in order to reduce the adverse effects on the health of the family, the cause of Islam comprehensive control Iran.
