Integration of text in Persian textbooks(Second Primary until tenth Secondary) and Its role in students' comprehension

Document Type : تخصصی



One of the materials lessons Persian evaluation in different stages is comprehension. one of the important goals of Persian lessons in different stages of education is to learn how correctly read a text and understand it and infer the results. But according to the latest statistics (PRLS), wich pays to assess amount reading understand students of the world in the evry five years. Iranian students in the field of understanding text have poor and weak situation. Each student must to understand a text, in addition to the understanding words and sentences that make up the text,could create semantic relationships between words. Semantic logical relations be created between text sentences with signs that is caused integration symptoms. with the new approach in recent years can be seen in compile of Persian books, come topics text and integration text especially the conjunctions and pronoun as a sign of integrity (the fourth grade in part of understand text with simple language and without complex theoretical issues) And in the higher grades, especially in the new book written tenth year of secondary school included topics: conjunctions and pronouns also theory and also practical exercises in four sections entitled "norm of writing". Although from between of Signs of integrites been paid more conjunctions, pronouns and punctuation, adverb ordinal adjective in the persian books, but if these issues to be taught to students with seriously and practical in writing classes, certainly in the next years will be seen to advance current state of weak reading skill.
