Reasonable life and dimensions of rational education from the point of view of Mohammad Taghi Jafari

Document Type : علمی ترویجی


1 Department of Educational Science, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran

2 cfu


This research examines the concept of reasonable life from the point of view of Allameh Jafari and rational education in this concept. In the circles of Islamic thinkers, reason has long been mentioned as the source of inference, the power of understanding, and the agent and judge, and the nature of human education and training is his rationality, so that if rationality is taken away from him, his humanity will collapse and his educational role will disappear. Education is one of the most basic needs of human life. In the light of education, man is correct, as a goal-oriented and thoughtful being, he achieves his goals and ideals and conquers the lofty peak of his desired happiness. In fact, education is providing the grounds and factors to actualize and flourish human talents in the desired direction. The research method in this work is analytical and descriptive, using the collection of Allameh Jafari's works and his opinions and thoughts in the field of rational life and rational education, and a library was used to collect data. Allameh considers intellectual education to be the cultivation of human thinking power to move from ordinary life to rational life. According to Allameh Jafari, the ultimate goal of intellectual education is the worship and service of God.
