Problem-based learning and history teaching in schools (a case study of project-based teaching)

Document Type : علمی ترویجی


1 Department of Social Studies, Farhangian University, Hakim Ferdowsi Alborz Campus

2 Lecturer, Department of Humanities and Social Studies, Farhangian University, Martyrs of Mecca Campus, Tehran


Problem-based learning is an active educational method based on constructivism. Constructivism is rooted in the scientific and educational ideas of scientists such as Piaget, Bruner and John Dewey, and emphasizes the active role of the learner in understanding and building knowledge and science. Problem solving is the most authentic learning activity that students can do. In problem-based learning, the learner finds an active role in the construction of knowledge through the development of metacognitive learning strategies, working in small groups and solving real problems. The history lesson has little attraction for teaching due to the emphasis on reservations, excessive use of the lecture method, structural problems and sometimes the content of the history textbook. Learners often mention that historical subjects are boring. Therefore, the history teacher should look for a suitable method for teaching. Problem-oriented learning is one of the methods that, in addition to making students interested in history, is effective in developing students' understanding and historical literacy. The main question of this research is how problem-based learning can be used in history education. In response to this question and by using the descriptive and analytical method and referring to the practical experience of the authors, the conclusion was reached that in teaching history by problem-oriented method, educational subjects are integrated in the heart of the main problem, and problem-based teaching can be done in a practical way. have various forms. The project-oriented method is one of these methods that has been examined as a practical example.
