Bastard butler, style and theme of Mashhad idiot butler in Heydari's attack

Document Type : علمی ترویجی


Assistant Professor, Department of Language and Literature, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran.


Saghinameh is one of the types of lyrical poems in which the poet, by addressing Saqi, expresses themes in discrediting the world, persecuting the times, seizing opportunities, advice and wisdom. Bazel Mashhadi, who in the twelfth century, imitating Ferdowsi's Shahnameh, has arranged the life and wars of the Prophet (PBUH) and the bravery of Ali (AS) in the system of Heydari's attack, at the beginning and intersection of the stories, verses in the form of Masnavi and the convergent sea ( Two features of Saqinameh) is composed. In this article, an attempt has been made to answer the question: what is the style of the poor butler and by modeling the poets of the past and his tricks in using and benefiting from these poems by reflecting and examining the verses of this poem? How is that? The syntactic structure of the vulgar words in these butts is a mixture of epic and lyrical language that evokes the epic language of Ferdowsi, Saadi's teaching and military and folk lyrical Indian style. Words and combinations are more lyrical. Long thoughts and wise themes form the veins of his butler's thinking. In terms of the literature of theology, the characteristics of the vulgar individual style are based on imitation, but he has also invented interpretations and combinations.


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