Effect of Quran and Hadith on poems vahshi of bafghi

Document Type : علمی ترویجی


Deputy director-Education Isfahan-Najafabad


Kamal_ al_ din vahshi of bafgh is a renowned poet of 10th century (safavid era), who was influenced by quranic verses and ahadith of imams (PBUT) in composing his poems.The influence of quran and ahadith on his complete works is the title of present thesis which tries to illustrate the influence of quran and hadith upon the poet.The introduction discuses life, works, the quality of quran and haith’s influence on the poet and its purposes. The kind of influence on Persian literature has been studied from different aspect as well. More over, historical study of the influence of quran and hadith on Persian literature up to 10th . c. And examples of the poems come to consideration in this part.The study is further carried out into the verses which are mostly influenced by quran and hadith. To do so, the researcher has selected the verses which have been influenced by quran and hadith. Then he corresponds them with quranic verses and ahadith of imams (PBUT).References to stories from quran and revayah noticeably in vahshi’s complete work are another part of the present study. These references on the lyrics, qasaed and qatah are less than mathnavi. There fore a great part of this work is extracted from his trilogy, khold barin, nather and manthur, farhad and shirin, which are greatly influenced by quran and hadith.


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