evaluating the level of citizenship education of graduates in Farhangian University: campus of Hakim Ferdowsi

Document Type : علمی ترویجی


1 professor of farhangian univerrsity

2 organization of educational research and planning


The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the level of citizenship education of Hakim Ferdowsi University College graduates. This research is a descriptive research. In this research, a survey method and a researcher-made questionnaire were used. For collecting more complete information through tripling, three types of questionnaires with the same components were used for two research community of staff and graduates of Farhangian University. Hakim Ferdowsi Campus of Alborz province was set up: a) staff assessment b) self-assessment of graduates c) assessment of graduates from their peers. A sample of 20 employees was selected through a targeted sampling method and a sample of 180 graduated students in 1396 with a sampling method available at graduation time, was conducted in 68 people. Data analysis was done using descriptive (mean) and inferential statistics through SPSS software. The findings of the study showed that the level of knowledge of the graduates from the citizenship knowledge is moderate and in the attitudes and skills of the higher and medium levels of higher than average.. In this regard, the status of the graduates from the following components of knowledge, attitude and skills Citizenship was distinguished by distinction. On the other hand, the findings showed that there is a significant difference between the mean self-assessment with the evaluation of graduates from the peers and staff evaluation, but there is no significant difference between the evaluation of the employees and the evaluation of the graduates from their peers in general and in terms of the components.


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