Criticizing the without Score Evaluation System in Elementary schools and providing appropriate solution

Document Type : علمی ترویجی


Faculty member of Farhangian University, Department of Educational Sciences. Tehran, Iran


More than a decade has passed since the replacement of qualitative evaluation in primary education with the so-called traditional evaluation, the hallmark of which is the use of a grading system. Change in education is an inevitable necessity and consequently change in the evaluation system is also necessary. The purpose of this article was to critique the elimination of grades in the evaluation of students' academic achievement. In this regard, after providing definitions related to the concepts and terms related to evaluation, a review of the theoretical views on quantitative and qualitative evaluation and the views of proponents and opponents of the scoring and descriptive evaluation system was conducted. Findings from the study of the theoretical foundations of the research showed that the war of quantitative and qualitative paradigms has finally led the experts of these two groups to conclude that the combination of the two can provide a completer and more accurate picture of student learning. If we leave out the qualitative methods, we will face an incomplete picture, and if we omit the score, we will have an inaccurate evaluation. Findings showed that new evaluation approaches do not support scoring. As a result, the grade less assessment approach adopted by our education is not defensible. Therefore, it is suggested that the combination of these two perspectives be used as a healthy fishing net resulting from the adaptation of two-hole fishing nets, so that the descriptive evaluation and scoring system can be used to the advantage of both.


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