The effect of reverse education on students' motivation and learning in biology: A study of the role of gender in the effectiveness of a new method

Document Type : علمی ترویجی


1 department of biology, farhangian university, tehran, iran

2 department of biology, farhangian university, tehran

3 faculty of science, mazandaran university


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of flipped classroom on the motivation and learning biology then compare it between girls and boys. The statistical sample of the study includes 91, 11th grade students in the field of experimental sciences in Amol city in the academic year 2019-2020, These students were trained in four classes by a teacher in two normal high schools for boys and girls, traditionally (control groups) and reverse class (experimental groups) by pre-test-post-test method. Data analysis of biology academic achievement test was done by a researcher and motivation questionnaire was performed with descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS software. In general, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference between students who have been taught in reverse class and students in the control group in terms of motivation and academic achievement. Reverse class teaching leads to increased learning compared to the traditional method. This increase is greater in girls than in boys. The results showed that the inverse class strengthens group collaboration and deeper learning and understanding of concepts. Examination of the parents' questionnaire also showed that they are inclined to this method, but factors such as lack of trust in the themes of the virtual world and the existence of a heavy shadow of the entrance exam are among the existing obstacles.


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