Predicting responsibility based on academic motivation And emotional intelligence among elementary school students

Document Type : علمی ترویجی


1 Master of school counseling,Islamic Azad University, Arak,Iran(Teacher)

2 Assistants professor psychology Islamic Azad University

3 Assistants professor psychology farhangian University,Arak

4 MA educational Science


The responsible behavior of healthy human indicators is in any society. One of the most important goals of educational systems is the development of social skills, including social responsibility. The purpose of this study was to "predict accountability based on academic motivation and emotional intelligence among elementary school students." This research was applied to the descriptive method of the problem. The statistical population of this study was all elementary school students in Borujerd, from among them 384 by random sampling using Morgan table as sample size. To measure the research variables in the research, California's responsibility questionnaire (1987), Hermans (1970) motivation (1970) and emotional intelligence and Petrah and Farnham (2002). Its validity was estimated by professors and the reliability of the questionnaires was estimated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.7, 0.86 and 0.81, respectively.The obtained data were analyzed using correlation coefficient and regression analysis and confirmed the relationship between responsibility and academic motivation and liability with emotional intelligence. Predictive variable regression coefficients show that academic motivation (B = 0.453) and emotional intelligence (B = 0.187) can predict students' responsibility.
