The Discourse of The Holy Prophet`s (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him and His Household) Sira in The face of The People of the Book: A Survey

Document Type : علمی ترویجی


Graduated in Quran and Hadith field.


Following the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon Him and His Household) as a model for Muslims is a presumption mentioned by the Holy Quran. Hence, his Sira, which is interpreted as Tradition, can be a guide in many individual and social actions of Muslims. In the meantime, the Prophets (pbuh) manners in the city of Medina and how he treated the dissidents of Islam, such as the People of the Book, can be considered as a proper method, the headline of Islamic political and moral character. In this article, first, by reviewing historical sources, the Prophet's behavior in the face of Jews and Christians was dealt with, then with new research approaches to apply those examples based on the hypothesis of peace and tolerance discourse in the Prophets Sira in His treatment with the People of the Book was discussed, and it was concluded that his discourse can be considered based on compromise and tolerance in dealing with the People of the Book.
