The educational effects of the step-by-step descent tradition according to the Al-Mizan and Al-Menar interpretations

Document Type : علمی ترویجی


عضوهیات علمی دانشگاه فرهنگیان


The divine traditions are the laws that the almighty God has implemented in order to plan the universe. One of these traditions is the tradition of step-by-step descent. This tradition means a gradual fall and imperceptible approaching to the torment. This article explains the views of two interpreters who have chosen the method of interpreting the Qur'an to the Qur'an as their interpretive style. Al-Mizan and Al-Menar interpretations are thought representatives of Shia’e and Sunnite, respectively. Comparing the views of these two interpreters, in addition to a better understanding of this tradition and its training effects, provides the power of critique and evaluation between these two perspectives. This study is conducted through a descriptive-analytical method based on library tools and its findings indicate that despite of the same views of two interpreters about the previous stage of the implementation of the step-by-step descent tradition, they have different views in the giving blessings topic and the start of the step-by-step descent tradition. According to Allameh’s view, these blessings are a kind of torment; but Rashid Reza considers them as God‘s tests. According to the word "forgetting" in the verse, Allameh Tabatabai's view is consistent with the verses of Qur'an and Rashid Reza's view is not correct according to the above-mentioned analogy.
