عوامل موثر در آسیب‌های اجتماعی دانشجو- معلمانِ دانشگاه فرهنگیان...

Document Type : علمی ترویجی


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities and social science, Farhangian University, Tehran

2 کارشناس مسول پژوهش پردیس شهیدمفتح شهرری


Factors Affecting Social Harms Imposed on Student-Teachers' in Farhangian University

Ali Sadeghi , Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Farhangian University, Tehran
Zahra Hadian . Research Expert at Farhangian University, Shahid Mofateh Campus, Shahrerey
Due to the circumstances and complexity of constructive and efficient interactions, Individuals, groups, and communities always face problems and harms while progressing toward their transcendental and ideal goals. Social pathology is the study of social deviations and perversions, which includes the study and understanding of the roots of social disorders.
The findings of the research, obtained through library methods with a descriptive-analytical approach, show that one of the most sensitive, important and influential groups in a society that are also exposed to social harms are student teachers. Due to the age sensitivity and the importance of student teachers who are going to take the serious task of educating and teaching the students and future generations of the society, Factors such as staying away from families, living in dormitories, introduction of new technologies and cyberspace into their personal lives, soft threats of the enemies, students' leisure time and poor scientific and cultural planning of the university are among the most important issues that point to the necessity of paying attention to students teachers and examining the social harms that threaten this group of the society.

Keywords: Social Harms, Soft War, Dormitory, Farhangian University, Student Teacher
