Health education and health promotion of first-grade curriculum books based on the assumption of health system

Document Type : علمی ترویجی


Assistant Professor of Farhangian University, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Department of Elementary Education, Ardabil, Iran


Health education and health promotion as an important source of economic development, social and individual arises, Given the important role of governments is crucial and all human beings to achieve this worthwhile goal, namely health, we need training.In this study, content analysis "Shannon Entropy" is that data processing in discussing with a new look and both quantitative and qualitative content analysis suggests. Entropy in information theory, by means of an index to measure the uncertainty, expressed as a probability distribution. The content of the responsive design (Text books basic first period) and twelve main dimensions and 58 sub-components of health education and health promotion were examined Shannon entropy content analysis results showed that the entire fourth book with 130 first-grade components relating to nutritional health Most frequencies are allocated, and the least amount of disability at one frequency. The results of the frequency components has shown that the components of the health system do not have the normal distribution So that, unfortunately, to the extent that the content of the sixth to certain components of health education books less attention
